13 May 2009

Wiggy and Boa - by Anna Fienberg

Review by Manert (aged 8)

This is a great adventure story by Anna Fienberg (Tashi Fame) of two best friends and one Grandfather, set in New York.

Boadicea (Boa) is the granddaughter of Admirable Bolderack. She is an energetic, fast girl but she also loves to sit and listen to her Grandfathers stories of life at sea. Wiggy is Boa’s best friend.

There is a mean boy, Sam Busby, who has a gang; they don’t like Boa and Wiggy. Sam is always sharing his Mum’s cakes with his gang but never Boa and Wiggy.

The pirates in this story are mean, nasty, a little bit fat and don’t have many teeth. Oh yeah – they have a lot of scars. One of the pirates, Scarface Pete, saved his arch enemy, Admirable Bolderack, accidently when Thick Mick tried to lance him with a sword. These pirates want revenge for being deserted by Admirable Bolderack on a deserted island.

Things get a little hairy when Boadicea accidently summons four of the pirates, Scarface Pete, Garbage Can Dan, Tiger and Thick Mick from the deserted Island.

There is a great resolution but you will have to read the book to find it out.